Hobart Weekly News

TUESDAY, 18 jUnE, 2024 The 1940 Albert Collier Trophy has been rescued from the Tip Shop and donated back to the Hobart Football Club recently. “We are extremely grateful to Samantha who rescued this amazing find from the local tip shop and donated to the club,” a club representative said. Cananore Football Club was the Hobart Football Club’s predecessor from 1901 to 1942. The 1940 Albert Collier Trophy was named after Collingwood Brownlow medallist and Cananore’s coach for 1931-32. The club went into recess at the end of 1941 and was reborn as the Hobart Football Club after World War 2. The 1940 Albert Collier Trophy is safely back in the hands of the Hobart Football Club after being found at the Tip Shop by a fan. (PS) Historic trophy comes home The Maypole Hotel in New Town congratulated their staff member Arielle on winning gold for Australia at the Oceania Games in the U18 Hammer Throw recently. “We’re sure all our customers join us in giving her three cheers! We are so proud of her,” they said. (PS) Replay Bar recently hosted another round of Pinball championships with first place going to Joshua Hesketh, second place to Andrew Krasnicki, third place to Kev Mills and fourth place to Adrian (ACE) Evans. They also had a stall-ball consolation tournament for those who didn’t make the finals playoff. The winner was first time player Sherwin Newbown. (PS) The South Hobart Football Club (SHFC) said they really enjoyed the Devonport Cup on Sunday, June 9. “Everywhere you looked there were families enjoying the weekend, watching, coaching or playing football. Well done to the Devonport Junior Soccer Association on a fabulously well run tournament.” (PS) 11 SHFC teams entered with great tournament wins for the U11 T1, U11 T2, U13 boys, U14 boys, U15 boys, U16 boys and runner-up U14 T2 mixed. (PS) The SFL and SFLW recently participated in the Indigenous Round, celebrating First Nations players both past and present who have made significant contribrutions to the game and community. Many clubs wore special jumper designs throughout the competition. (PS)